Friday 27 March 2015

Friday 27th March

Wednesday's bike ride to Kirkcudbright was much like the one before - nice bright weather but no particularly oustanding sightings.  On the way out startled a red-legged partridge, which did sort of settle an argument I've been having with myself as my bird book suggests grey partridge is more likely in this part of the country.  However, this one did have very red legs, so I think I've been getting that one right.  I think they're bred a lot for game.

Between Old Bridge of Urr and Clarebrand followed a hare for nearly a mile along the uphill road before it finally ran off into a field at the top.  Unfortunately there was a dead one a little further
Carlingwark Loch

Stopped at Carlingwark Loch for a break and disturbed a heron, but everything on the water itself was pretty usual stuff and there were no warblers yet.  On restarting did hear my first chiffchaff of the year.  From talking to someone else it seems they've been on the coast for a week and have just started to move inland.

On the way back it was pleasing to encounter two kestrels at seperate locations, perhaps showing their numbers were starting to grow again.  One was hovering over the road hedgerow, just like they used to do. Yesterday there were also a couple of greenfinches in the trees on the estate as I walked back from the shops so hopefully they are doing better as well. Today I saw another bumblebee.

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