Wednesday 4 March 2015

Wednesday 4th March

A pleasant day and resulting enjoyable bike ride to Haugh of Urr, but not much to report on the wildlife front.  The standard birds of prey (buzzard, red kite) were in evidence, though not as much as last week and just before Crocketford there was a good sighting of a male kestrel that wheeled back around me and settled in a tree behind a wall.  I tried to sneak up unobserved to see if I could get a photograph but it must have detected my presence as it had moved on back down the road.  A march hare also ran away from me for about three hundred yards across a farm field between Crocketford and the military road.

The main event of the day was seeing the first squirrel of the spring, which ambled across the road on the hill after Bogle Bridge.  So I stopped at the point where I had found a lot of squirrels feeding on seed left for them on the wall.  This time there were no further squirrels, but several blue tits and great tits turned up in nearby trees as if expecting some sort of action.  I also noticed several nesting boxes of the sort often favoured by pied flycatchers nailed to the beech trees, but it seemed to me they were placed far too low and in easy reach of various predators.

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