Sunday 2 October 2016

Sunday 2nd October

Another trip to Northumberland at the end of last week, which resulted in a pleasant walk along the coast between Craster and Dunstanburgh Castle.

I was a little surprised to sight a number of wheatears, all male, moving around the rocks on the shoreline. I've seen wheatears in coastal areas before but not on the shoreline, plus I would have expected them to be on their way back to Africa by now. Maybe they were getting ready for the effort. There were also a couple of rock pipits darting around in similar fashion.

Nearer the castle, a seal pooped its head out of the water now and again and a couple of eider duck were spotted amongst the floating seagulls.  In the fields next to the castle, quite a large number of swallows were flying around at speed and I was told they are usually there.  The entrance castle itself was guarded by some young cows who seem to like small dogs.

On the way back the smaller birds had been replaced by a number of calling turnstone.

Meanwhile I am hoping that my stray sunflower might attract a goldfinch or two.  So far the only visitor has been a hyperactive coal tit.

Eider duck

Cows and castle


  1. Strange coincidence that I took the same walk on Saturday. Did you see the cows drinking in the rock pools? Also spotted a rock pipit and a shearwater. No seal though.

  2. Didn't notice any shearwater.
